Are you wondering what pregnancy app to download?

Is this your first pregnancy? Are you wondering how the hell some other mums-to-be in your situation know their baby is currently the size of an avocado if you to also want to be as clued up there is an app for it!

These easy to download apps will help you monitor your baby’s growth and the changes in your own body. A lot happens to your body during these 9 months, so an app can be a great way to prepare yourself for what to expect.

But be careful you can’t just trust any baby tracking app. Here are the best baby tracking apps on the marketing, so you can be a know it all when it comes to your baby!

Track your baby’s growth with the top pregnancy app for moms-to-be!

What to Expect – Pregnancy & Baby Tracker:

Track your baby’s growth with the top pregnancy app for moms-to-be!

Chosen by over 15 million moms, this pregnancy tracker app from the world's most trusted pregnancy brand, "What to Expect When You're Expecting," guides you through pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Simply enter your baby’s due date (or use our pregnancy due date calculator if you’re not sure) and start tracking your baby’s growth today.


WebMD - Pregnancy Tracker and Health Guide:

Their free pregnancy app offers trusted health information for expecting parents and lets you track your baby’s growth and development week by week. Get access to more than 900 doctor-approved articles, videos, slideshows and quizzes, safety tips, and expert-curated checklists. Find support and maternity advice in their caring Pregnancy Community. Track your baby's and your health with their symptom tracker, weight and blood pressure tracker, kick counter, and contraction timer. Fun features such as the journal and the belly photo album will help you prepare for your pregnancy and fully embrace the experience. 


Hello Belly — the cutest pregnancy guide ever:

They decided to say NO to any advertisement in the app because they care about your privacy, you can try 3-days trial for free and continue with the subscription on a monthly basis. 

The cutest and funniest guide for future moms and dads. Get professional tips every week of your pregnancy: about your health, how’s your baby developing, how to get over all the pregnancy difficulties. No heavy medical information — only useful practical tips in cozy form. No doubt, each tip will make you smile!


Glow Nurture - Pregnancy App:

Named one of 10 Best iPhone Apps and featured by InStyle, The Guardian, Brit & Co, and many more!

Glow Nurture is the world’s most advanced and comprehensive pregnancy tracker. Powered by data, designed for simplicity, this app rewrites the rules for what a pregnancy app should be. It is completely customizable so that we nurture YOUR pregnancy and your baby. 


Sprout Pregnancy - Track Your Baby's Growth in 3D

Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to Sprout! It’s an Apple ‘Essential App for Parents’ and is one of Time Magazine’s Top 50 Apps of the Year.

Trusted and recommended by expecting families all over the world, Sprout Pregnancy guides you through every day of your pregnancy. It helps keep you organized and educated about the many exciting changes and developments happening in your body and for your growing baby.


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