What Are Bosom Buddies & How Do You Use Them?

Breastfeeding may be the most natural thing in the world but realistically for many it is not without its difficulties. Our calming Bosom Buddies Breastfeeding Oils support both your body and mind with common breastfeeding problems, providing you with instant comfort and therefore enabling you to continue your breastfeeding journey.

Bosom Buddies can be used by anyone experiencing...

  • Full and heavy breasts
  • Engorged breasts
  • Symptoms of Mastitis 
  • Low milk supply
  • Sore nipples

Soothes Engorged Breasts

Our "Ooh!" blend contains Geranium, Peppermint, Cypress and German Chamomile essential oils to soothe tender, full and heavy breasts, engorged breasts or the symptoms of mastitis. “Ooh” will also calm, relax and uplift any new mummy exhaustion.

Assists in Low Milk Supply

Our "Aah!" blend contains Fennel, Lemon Grass and Mandarin essential oils to support with milk production and flow and relieve any anxiety and stress – perfect for any mummies experiencing low milk supply.

Calms Sore Nipples

Our "Ouch!" blend contains Lavender, Neroli, Mandarin, Frankincense and Peppermint essential oils to soothe and calm sore nipples and relax a tired stressed mind.

Our Key Natural, Vegan Ingredients


Geranium contains gentle diuretic properties meaning it helps to reduce swelling. This helps to soothe tender, full and heavy breasts, engorged breasts and symptoms of mastitis. Geranium is also a very uplifting ingredient which will help with new mummy exhaustion.


Lemongrass is a galactagogue meaning it helps to promote lactation and the flow of milk. This is an essential ingredient for women who are experiencing low milk supply. Lemongrass also helps to uplift the mind and increase self esteem.


Mandarin contains antiseptic properties which help to prevent infection. Mandarin also promotes healing which helps to calm and treat sore nipples, whilst also relieving stress (which can be associated with low milk production).


Peppermint helps to relieve stress, depression and mental exhaustion, whilst also helping to relieve pain and reduces swelling, helping to soothe tender, full and heavy breasts, engorged breasts and symptoms of mastitis.

Directions for Use

Always dilute Bosom Buddies in water and apply to a compress, and always ensure you are using Bosom Buddies postpartum and not during pregnancy. To help ease full, heavy tender breasts, engorgement or symptoms of mastitis you will benefit from applying the “Ooh” compresses just prior to each feed so that the baby can then help to empty the breast after the oils have helped to reduce the inflammation and encouraged the breast tissue to contract. For low milk supply it is beneficial to apply the “Aah” compresses before each feed to help reduce any anxiety and encourage hormones involved in milk production and flow in readiness for the next feed. You may prefer to apply the “Ouch” compresses after each feed to help with any pain or discomfort experienced during the feed and ease sore nipples before the next feed comes around. But don’t worry if you forget because you can use the oils as often and whenever you feel the need and in the early days it is often impossible to predict or pre-empt the next feed and some women will prefer to use compresses just at a time when have a moment to themselves!

Bosom Buddies are £15.99 for a set of all three oils and can be found here.

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