HOSPITAL BAG HACKS - By Blogger Holly Gilbert


Everyone tells you to have your hospital bag ready and prepared early into the 3rd trimester… BUT have you considered how it can be your secret weapon to a calm, comfortable and empowered birth experience?

Holly, a Hypnobirthing aficionado, teacher, feminist and mother to 1, spills her hospital bag secrets:

You have done all of your antenatal, the birth plans are written and perhaps your Hypnobirthing practice is in full swing and it is time to consider packing your hospital bag. Whether you are planning on giving birth at home, or in a birth centre or hospital the power held in what you take with you in your bag can really change and uplevel your entire experience.

Here are my top 5 hospital bag hacks to optimise your birth, and have you feeling all kinds of powerful once you have welcomed your tiny babe into the world.



Packing the right kind of foods to really fuel birthing is super important without inducing you into a sugar coma afterwards leaving you feeling depleted of all energy. Make your own bliss balls at home, they take next to no time to make, will be easy to take with you and can be filled to the brim with feel good ingredients. Often made with nuts, dates and raw cacao as a base they are filled with good fats to give you a great boost of energy and a hit of oxytocin from the cacao. If homemade goodies isn’t your thing, then make sure your food is stuff that makes you feel really good. Birth is all about keeping that oxytocin and feel good flowing so anything that you know perks you up has a place in the snack pack!

If you are planning on giving birth outside of your home then this is really important… Creating a calm, intimate, quiet sanctuary to welcome your baby into can really affect your mood and if you don’t feel relaxed chances are it will really inhibit your labour wreaking havoc with your birthing hormones. Put a string of battery powered lights in the bag for some ambiance, your favourite pillow or blanket from home to help you feel safe, affirmation bunting is a great visual to keep you focused and positive, and bring your own birth ball and yoga mat. These small touches from home will emotionally help you feel safe and secure naturally supporting the birthing process which demands privacy, familiarity and security.

As humans, our sense of smell is highly evocative: the smell of fresh sheets, a scent that reminds of you of someone special and the gorgeous smell of your favourite spa. Finding a smell that evokes calm, relaxation and simply makes you feel damn good can be a really amazing addition to the birth room. Electronic humidifiers are portable, quiet and diffuse essential oils really safely into the air. More and more the use of essential oils are being used to support women in pregnancy and birth and they will make the space you create to give birth in feel that much more special.

Whether you choose Champagne, prosecco or an alcohol free alternative, packing a small bottle and two plastic flutes to toast the arrival of your tiny one into the world is a great way to connect with your other half! Because YOU DID IT! And Mama, this is an amazing adventure that deserves celebrating.

I hate the term toiletries bag, but taking your essentials like, toothbrush, hairbrush with you is a must. BUT, I highly recommend filling it with luxury products just for you. Nothing feels so good than that first shower after giving birth, so treating yourself to some beautiful natural shower gel, moisturiser and face cream is a wonder. The Natural Birthing Company postnatal compress solution is gorgeous TLC for easing tenderness and soreness, accompanied by Arnica 30c uncomfortable bruising and swelling can receive some natural R&R while you and your baby get to know each other. I love a good Lipstick, so for me a top notch beauty balm and Lipstick made me feel instantly more like myself after my little one arrived so was a much in my luxury Mama bag!

Packing for the hospital can feel pretty decadent if you have the know how and can leave you feeling excited about birth and meeting your baby for the first time. The secret to a great birth is how you feel, and by taking empowered steps to feel calm, relaxed, informed & powerful will allow you to step into your journey to Motherhood feeling incredible. Those Golden Hours once baby has arrived is so special, so enjoy it surrounded by things that make your heart sing! Birth is yours to own.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Warm wishes

Holly Gilbert
Instagram account: @thenaturalbirthclub

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